
How Many Times Should I Put Lotion On A New Tattoo

The tattoo healing procedure tin be extensive lasting anywhere from a few weeks, to a few months. Even if the upper pare layer seems to have healed, the underlying layers accept a lot more time than you would look. One of the essential products that is oftentimes used to help heave the tattoo healing process is a tattoo ointment .

Yes! A tattoo ointment has a very of import role to play when it comes to healing. In today'south weblog we're going to explicate the many ways in which your freshly tattooed pare tin can do good when you utilize an ointment

Benefits of Using a Tattoo Ointment

First things first, take a wait at the top benefits y'all can enjoy past using tattoo ointment cream -

  • Tattoo ointment helps to continue the skin moisturized for nigh of the day. Since yous cannot expose the tattoo to water for at least the first two weeks later on getting inked, the skin effectually the tattoo will get very dry. If your peel gets too dry, and then it can atomic number 82 to itchiness and redness besides. That is why using a tattoo ointment aftercare foam can help the skin to remain moisturized and agile at all times.
  • A tattoo ointment plays an important role to forestall the tattoo from coming across any infection. Since the tattoo is an open up wound, there is ever a risk of it getting infected if you lot are not careful. The ingredients in a good quality tattoo cream help to eliminate whatsoever pollutants that can infect the tattoo. So, your tattoo remains rubber at all times.
  • Using tattoo ointment cream helps to go relief from itchiness and redness. Many people have to face serious itchiness when their tattoo is healing. As you cannot scratch or option the tattoo in whatever way, it becomes very irritating at times to manage. Using a tattoo ointment volition help bring relief of the itchiness or redness.

How Often Should You Use Ointment?

It is oftentimes recommended that the number of times you are going to use a tattoo ointment or lotion depends on the size of the tattoo. If the tattoo is large and takes upwards a lot of area on your skin, and so you lot should exist applying it at least 2-3 times every day. If the tattoo is small, then in one case or twice is more than enough. Always call back that you lot must have a small-scale amount of cream and apply it slowly over the tattoo.

It'due south of import to not over apply the tattoo ointment. It can cut the air circulation and causes more harm than good. Always be sure to make clean the tattoo one time before you apply the tattoo ointment. If you're interested in learning more about how to properly take care of your tattoo, check out our Tattoo Aftercare guide!


  • What does tattoo ointment do? -A tattoo ointment helps to heal the tattoo past keeping it moisturized throughout the day. It also can help to prevent infection.
  • What tattoo ointment to use? -When selecting a tattoo ointment, you'll desire to use a reputable brand like Inkeeze. We are tattoo enthusiasts, and have serious passion for helping other tattoo lovers. Check out our tattoo ointments !


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